Taking care of their skin is a priority for all women. However, many tend to forget that this applies to their entire body – from the top to the toe. Kateko Ramoshaba, Clere brand manager, says that the facial skincare market is a continuously booming industry, as women invest significant funds and time into their facial skincare routine. “Obviously it is a must to care for your face, but this should not be done at the expense of the rest of your body.”
Keeping your entire body nourished, moisturised and glowing is a must! “Even more so as summer is upon us and many will be displaying a lot more skin than during the winter months,” says Ramoshaba. Your skin is an organ, and it immediately will show up any neglect, whether it is from a lack of sleep, moisturising or care.
Ramoshaba says that there are areas that definitely are more affected by the lack of moisturizing, and these include your hands, elbows and feet. She recommends applying a thick and nourishing body crème at night – a Clere body crème provides 24-hour moisturizing, as they are enriched with vitamins E and A, and glycerine. For a lighter touch in the morning, she suggests a lotion. The Clere Hand & Body Lotion is also enriched with vitamins E and A, and glycerine, but with a lighter texture, which is ideal for summer and allows for quicker absorption, while still providing 24-hour moisturising.
To help lock in the moisture and keep your skin glowing, Ramoshaba says that women should not forget to achieve their daily water intake, they should avoid too hot, long baths or showers, and must apply their body lotion and crème regularly.
Clere has a wide range of hand and body lotions, and body crème variants, including the popular summer fragrances of Berries and Cream, Cocoa Butter and Tropical Coconut.