Avoid these common grooming mistakes

Avoid these common grooming mistakes

With everything going on in the world right now, work stress and a busy family life, grooming may be the last thing on your mind. “Men have adopted a grooming routine over the years based largely on trial, error and a little guesswork. Face wash. Moisturise. Shaving. Showering and keeping your hair neat, crossing off the items on your daily grooming checklist as quickly as possible and then going about your day,” explains Themba Ndlovu, Clere for Men brand manager.

However, are you completing every step of your grooming regimen correctly? “Probably not,” says Ndlovu. 

Most guys make at least a few men’s grooming mistakes without even realising it and therefore don’t benefit from the time they spend in the shower and in front of the mirror.

Ndlovu highlights some common grooming mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Not moisturising before bed. It’s easy to think that as day turns to night, you can put your grooming regime to bed. The truth, however, is that things are just getting started for your skin after you’ve used your evening face wash. Cleansing strips away dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria, but it can leave the skin dry and lacking hydration. At night, the skin switches into recovery mode, and cells repair themselves up to three times faster than during the day. To help the process along, invest in a solid moisturising lotion or cream containing skin-saving ingredients like Vitamin E. Clere For Men’s range of lotions and crèmes is enriched with Glycerine, Omega Oils and Vitamins E & A to keep your skin nourished and moisturised for up to 48 hours. 

Your showers are too hot. Few things are more relaxing than a long, hot shower, but make it too hot and your skin will pay the price. Scalding temperatures dry the skin out and can aggravate a range of issues, such as rosacea and eczema. It’s time to chill out. If a cold shower is too much of a leap, why not opt for a lukewarm one?

You don’t wash your hair often enough. With everything from natural oils to daily styling products, our hair, particularly the scalp, needs washing more often than we may think. A pristine scalp is a healthy scalp. Use a daily shampoo with natural oils that strengthens the individual hairs while keeping your scalp clean.

Your razor is outdated. Worn, rusty blades are a no-no. Most razor heads have done their best work after a few uses and to ignore their expiration will cause your skin all sorts of problems: burning, itching, stinging and redness. Sharp blades require less pressure on the skin and therefore cause less damage. Alternatively, opt for an electric razor, with cutters that last between four and 18 months.

Unkempt feet. It’s often the areas of your body you see the least that receive the least care. But that’s no excuse for unkempt feet. The easiest way to make your feet look presentable in open shoes is to take a foot file to any unsightly calluses and patches of dry or hard skin. Plus, moisturise – moisturise your feet often. 

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